2025 Alaska Outdoor Council Annual Business Meeting
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Meeting ID: 941 4922 8374
Passcode: 809316
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Meeting Agenda:
Congressman Nick Begich- 9:00 – 9:20 AM
NRA- John Commerford
1) Meeting called to order by the President.
2) Certification of delegates representing the Council’s affiliated organizations.
3) Election and certification of regional Delegates-at-Large.
4) Reading and approval of minutes of previous meeting and of the meetings of the delegates of the
Council held subsequent to the previous meeting.
5) Reports of officers and staff.
6) Reports of standing committees.
7) Reports of special committees.
8) Unfinished business.
9) New business.
10) Election of Officers.
11) Adjournment.
Positions up for Election
Interior Vice President
Alaska Outdoor Council Proposed Bylaw Changes
- Article 4. Delegates.
Delete 3) A proxy delegate must be.
3) A proxy delegate must be
a) authorized by signature from an elected officer of the member club, or
b) given verbal authorization by an elected officer of the member club to a member of the Council Board or Staff, provided the verbal authorization is initialed in writing on the Proxy Delegate Certification Form by a Director or Staff member.
c) The Proxy Delegate Certification Form must be completed as required and submitted by the time the annual or special meeting convenes.
d) A delegate can hold no more than three proxies. - Article 5. Delegates’ Duties
Amend 1) to include member of an AOC member club that have been members for at least one calendar year.
1) Elect members of the Board of Directors from among the Council members. Directors shall be elected from among the candidates nominated prior to and during the annual meeting for the year in question. If the requirement for regional representation is not met by the candidates receiving the highest number of votes, then the candidate from the region without representation who received the highest number of votes from among those running from the same region shall be seated on the Board. The remaining seats will be filled by those candidates who received the
most votes thereafter. - Article 14. Duties of Officers
Add a new subsection to 2) Regional Vice Presidents;
x) Regional Vice Presidents are to inform member clubs of seats open on the Board of Directors 45 days prior to the Annual Business meeting.
Regional Vice Presidents:
a) There will be one (1) regional vice president for each region. Regional vice presidents will work with their respective Regional Action Committee members and will actively
communicate on a regular basis with member clubs within their respective regions to seek out regional problems and solutions.
b) Regional vice presidents are to actively recruit new member clubs and individual members to insure a broad-based representation of interests within the region.
c) The first vice president, in the absence of the president, or in his absence the second vice president, shall preside at all regular meetings of the Council and perform such other duties as are usually incident to the office.
d) In the absence of the President and all the Vice Presidents at any meeting of the Council, any Delegate may be selected to preside by a majority vote of those present, and shall have the same powers of the President for that meeting. - Article 17. Meetings
Amend 2) delete [officers] and add members of the Board of Directors ) All Council meetings are to be conducted under Roberts Rules of Order. - 2) There shall be an annual meeting held at such place and time as established by the Board of Directors, for the purpose of election of officers for the ensuing year and for the transaction of other business. The annual meeting will be rotated on an annual basis among the three regions. 3) Special meetings of the Council may be called by the president upon the request of three member clubs representing the Council. Notice of such special meetings shall state the purpose for which it is called and the business to be transacted at any such meetings.
- Article 24. Absentee Ballot
Amend 1) to include member clubs can vote via live election participation in the Annual Business meeting.
1) In the event that a member club cannot send a delegate to the annual meeting or any special meeting, the member club can vote by absentee ballot on all resolutions, policies and bylaw amendments which have been submitted 45 days prior to the annual meeting. (amended 00) 2) This vote has to be in the hands of the officers prior to the vote of the Council. - Article 25. Amendments
Amend. Add (Annual Business) meeting
Amend for administrative purpose.
These bylaws may be amended at an official meeting of the Council by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote by the delegates of the Council voting, provided that at least 45 days notice in writing of the proposed amendment shall be given to each member club of the Council. (amended 00) - Article 27. Contracts and transactions.
Amend. Delete two signers , Amend Signatures and Checks
Any Expenditure over $5,000 must be approved by the board unless previously approved by the annual budget. Authority No person shall have the authority to expend money or bind the Council by any contract or instrument unless authorized to do so by these bylaws or unless said person is authorized by any officer, officers, agent or agents of the Council to execute and deliver any contract or instrument in the name of
the Council and such authority may be general or confined to specific instances.
Borrowing Transactions in Real Estate. The borrowing of money and the purchase, sale, mortgage, lease or other disposition of real estate by the Council shall require the approval of the majority of the Board of Directors.
Signatures on Checks and Evidence of Indebtedness Checks of the Council shall be signed by any two of the following: the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Executive Director of the Council, or such other individual as the Board of Directors may from time to time designate. Any expenditure over $5,000 must be approved by the Board of Directors. Authorized Signatures The Board of Directors shall authorize those signatures on checks of the Council. All authorized check signers must be bonded.