Alaska Outdoor Council
Protecting Your Hunting, Fishing, Trapping and Access Rights.
Dedicated to the preservation of outdoor pursuits in Alaska – hunting, fishing, trapping, and public access – and conservation of the habitats upon which they depend.
To unite the voices of our membership and member clubs to effectively represent their outdoor interests in all facets of public policy.

A Message from President Rob Mathews!
I would like to thank every one of our members and member clubs for the outstanding support you provide to the Alaska Outdoor Council. Through your donations we can continue the fight against shrinking opportunities to access Alaska’s natural resources. For this we Thank You!!!
If you are unfamiliar with the Alaska Outdoor Council, we are a federation of 50 member clubs with the common interest of access Alaska’s natural resources through hunting, fishing, trapping, public access, or just enjoying a day out in the wilderness.
Some of the key objectives of the Alaska Outdoor Council include:
- Dedicated to the preservation of outdoor pursuits in Alaska – hunting, fishing, trapping, and public access and conservation of the habitats upon which they depend.
- Collaborating with government agencies, lawmakers, and other organizations to develop and implement effective wildlife management and conservation strategies developed and in control of the State Government.
- Supporting programs and initiatives aimed at preserving Alaska’s rich outdoor heritage for future generations.
We are actively involved in legislative and regulatory processes at the State and Federal levels, working to influence policies that affect outdoor recreation and conservation in Alaska. Please visit our website to see what we are currently working on along with past newsletters, calendar of events or even purchasing some new AOC swag.
Here’s what we are currently working on!
Get Involved today!
North Pacific Salmon runs are in trouble, there is little doubt.
Rod Arno, Public Policy Director for the Alaska Outdoor Council Alaska’s ecosystem are dependent on healthy stocks of salmon…
Continue Reading North Pacific Salmon runs are in trouble, there is little doubt.
2024 Election Recommendations
Alaska Outdoor Council is committed to working with Government Leaders and State agencies to fulfill our mission. Part of this…
Alaska Outdoor Council comments on BLM Feasibility study for AK Long Trail
The Alaska Outdoor Council represents thousands of Alaskans who because mostof our member are accessing public lands via motorized transportation…
Continue Reading Alaska Outdoor Council comments on BLM Feasibility study for AK Long Trail
HJR22 to Amend the State Constitution
The 33rd Legislature of the State of Alaska is considering a resolution HJR22 toput the question before voters to amend…
Land grab in Alaska Again?
Rod- Arno- Public Policy Director The current land grab in Alaska is a matter of “who” gets to manage and…
Winter 2024 Alaska Board of Game meetings
Rod Arno -Public Policy Director -Alaska Outdoor Council A bunch of Alaska is open to over 200 proposals this winter…
Thank you to Our Sponsors!