Alaska Outdoor Council voter recommendations
for the November 8th, 2022 General Election.
Alaskans’ opportunities to enjoy outdoor activities and harvest a wild food source on public lands/waters for now and well into the future will depend on you getting out to vote. Listed here are candidates that AOC has experience working with and find worthy of your support at the polls November 8, 2022. These candidates when elected, with your help, will work with AOC to provide greater outdoor opportunities for all Alaskans.
Alaska U.S. House of Representative Seat.
AOC sticks with Nick. Candidate Sarah Palin would find little support in the U.S. House to further our cause. Candidate Mary Peltola has a long history for advocating for tribal sovereignty over state management of fish and game granted to the State of Alaska at statehood.
The Alaska Outdoor Council (AOC) endorsed candidate Nick Begich III for the lone U.S. House of Representatives seat from Alaska when Don Young was still in the race for reelection. It took a lot of intestinal fortitude for Nick Begich to go up against Don Young, none of the other candidates vying to replace Congressman Young had the boldness to do that.
Nick Begich is well aware of Title VIII in the 1980 flawed federal law, the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA) that divides Alaskans and is hindering resources development on 60% of Alaska controlled by the federal government. Nick will work for all Alaskans to insure subsistence needs are provided for while at the same time opportunities for regulated resource development can occur on federal lands.
Alaska U.S. Senate Seat
AOC endorses Kelly Tshibaka to replace Lisa Murkowski who has allowed federal law to divide Alaskans based on where they live.
The urban/rural divide caused by Title VIII of ANILCA is not in Alaska’s best interest now or in the future. Kelly Tshibaka understands how the Feds have used Title VIII of ANILCA to takeover Alaska state management authority of fish and game on federal lands and thwart regulated resource development. Kelly Tshibaka will work to give all Alaskans an opportunity to access public federal lands/waters and benefit from the resources Alaska has to offer.
Alaska Governor’s Administration.
AOC endorses the re-election of Governor Mike Dunleavy.
Governor Dunleavy has been true to his word regarding increasing outdoor opportunities for all Alaskans during his first term. AOC has witnessed a greater willingness of department commissioners (DNR, ADF&G, DCCED, DEC, DOL) to work together to conserve fish and game and increasing access opportunities on public lands and waters. AOC is confident that with another four years of Governor Dunleavy’s leadership Alaska’s outdoor folks will reap greater outdoor opportunities for years to come.
Alaska State Senate District D.
AOC endorsed Tuckerman Babcock for State Senate prior to the May 25th announcement from Senator Peter Micciche that he would not seek another term.
AOC’s position on state management of fisheries conflicted with Senator Micciche and AOC was encouraging new representation from what was then Senate District O. Tuckerman Babcock is an outdoors person who has been very active within AOC and politically on the management and allocation of fish and game in Alaska for decades.
AOC endorsed Tuckerman early this spring to let Senator Peter Micciche know his position on federal fisheries management in Cook Inlet was inconsistent with AOC purpose of supporting state management.
Tuckerman Babcock’s knowledge of and support for AOC’s purposes will help give outdoor folks a strong leader in the Senate when legislation is introduced effecting access to public lands/waters and fish/game are up for vote in the State Senate and when negotiating with the State House for passage on to the Governor.
Alaska State House candidates for the 33rd Legislature.
Alaska Outdoor Council recommends re-election for the following Alaska State House Representative:
House District
Sarah Vance 6
Ron Gillham 7
Ben Carpenter 8
Laddie Shaw 9
Tom McKay 15
David Nelson 18
DeLena Johnson 25
Cathy Tilton 26
David Eastman 27
Kevin McCabe 30
Mike Cronk 36
The Alaska Outdoor Council recommends support for the following candidates for Alaska State House who did not serve in the 32nd Legislature.
House District
Craig Johnson 10
Kathy Henslee 13
Liz Vazquez 16
Dan Saddler 24
Lastly, No matter how you choose your leadership in this next election, we would encourage all Alaskans to Rank the choices they have available to them. Learn the dos/don’ts of ranked choice voting here: