Attached is the link to the Federal Register proposed rule which if adopted would negate the enacted Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971 (ANCSA) by allowing the U.S. Department of Interior (DOI) to transfer 44 million acres of fee simple lands to trust status in Alaska on a case-by-case basis.
What does that mean to Alaska outdoor folks? At worst 225 recognized tribal entities and possibly 12 Regional and Village Corporations could manage fish and game on their lands. The disruption to fish and game management due to the checkerboard pattern of land ownership in the state is incomprehensible.
While it is doubtful that any amount of comments from the Alaskan public will make a difference on whether or not DOI adopts this proposed rule the public does have an opportunity to submit comments up until June 30, 2014. Information on where to submit comments by either mail or email is available in the attached link.
Contacting Alaska’s congressional delegation may also be of some value…….