Rod Arno Public Policy director
The Alaska Outdoor Council is a Federation of outdoor clubs and individual
members representing thousands of Alaskans who may; hunt, trap, fish, or
recreate on public lands in Alaska. The Alaska Outdoor Council has
represented Alaskans, who spend time on public lands/waters, in the Alaska
Legislative process since the mid-80s. Our membership is looking to support
candidates for office who are aware of the importance of outdoors folk being
able to continue accessing bountiful public lands and waters for our needs
and pure enjoyment.
Thank you for taking your time and effort to gain support from the Alaska
Outdoor Council for the 2024 election cycle. Should you have any questions
1.What outdoor activities in Alaska do you regularly participate in when seasons and time allow?
2.What outdoor activities have you spent time advocating for in the Alaska public regulatory process?
Examples: Alaska Boards of Fish and Game, Alaska Fish & Game Advisory Committees, North Pacific Fishery Management Council, Federal Subsistence Board, Alaska legislative process, Alaska Department of Natural Resources (DNR) publicly noticed land management planning, Alaska State Parks Advisory Boards, U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) and Agriculture (National Forests) land management planning, Outdoor Recreation and Trails Advisory Board (ORTAB), other public land use boards or advisory committees.
3. Are you a member of the Alaska Outdoor Council (AOC) or any of its member clubs? (A list of current AOC Member Clubs can be found at )
4. As an elected official for the State of Alaska would conservation of Alaska’s public lands and waters consistent with Article 8 of the Constitution of the State of Alaska be one of your primary interests?
5. How important would it be to you to assure regulated public access to public resources on both State and Federal lands/waters consistent with the Common Use clause enshrined in Article 8, Section 3 of the Constitution of the State of Alaska?
6. Do you support Alaskan’s individual right to keep and bear arms found in Article 1, Section 19 of the Constitution of the State of Alaska? Do you support the funding necessary for construction and maintenance of public shooting ranges?
7. Do you support regulated ground access to develop Alaska’s renewable and non-renewable resources? Once highway safety concerns are implemented do you support non-permit public use of these roads?
8. Do you support state management of navigable waterways consistent with federal law, Submerged Lands Act of 1953?
9. Are you familiar with the scientific data available to state and federal fisheries regulators regarding the catastrophic shortfalls in chinook salmon returns in state waters that may be detrimental to future sustainable chinook salmon returns to Alaska river systems?
10. Are you familiar with how federal grants of millions of dollars of Land and Water Conservation Funds and Recreational Trails Program funds that are allocated by Alaska State Parks each year to state and federal trail projects, NGOs, and individuals for funding of public outdoor uses?
11. Do you support public access on the 20,000 miles of Right-Of-Ways (R.S.2477) that were grandfathered in Alaska prior to the 1976 Federal Act that repealed future right-of-ways across public lands, 43 U.S.C. 932?
12. Are you familiar with the differences between State law AS 16.05.258. Subsistence Use and Allocation on all lands/waters of Alaska and Federal law Title VIII of ANILCA Subsistence use priorities to fish and game on federal lands/waters only?